Thursday, September 29, 2005

help needed

if anyone reading this post is finding for a place to stay/rent in the area of Chinese Garden, please contact me, i've got a friend who is leaving singapore and wanted to rent out his place.

神箭兄弟 --3








Tuesday, September 27, 2005





xxx –续

Wednesday, September 21, 2005






xxx --续

Thursday, September 08, 2005

days of ASP.NET

I've been working on this ASP.NET web page for over the past week or so. It's a page that lets you search and view a collection of videos, based on channel, scenes and language. Being a rookie programmer, i guess it takes me extra time to do what is at hand.

Currently my schedule is something like 8am-10pm...i really need to get it done, and hope that it doesn't bother me anymore. Last night when i lie down on my bed, my mind was full of Labels, Images, Buttons, functions etc etc... took me a short while before i get to doze off.

Anyway, i hope to finish the functions by today, and clean up a bit tomorrow? and hopefully porting over to the server won't be such a big problem. Here's the template of the page, nothing much upfront, but this was 2 weeks ago.

Friday, September 02, 2005

friday afternoon

It's been a week of excitement, it's been a week of boredome. It's been a week of enlightment, it's been a week of questioning. Anyhow, weekend's here. Just a short memo for this week so far.
work has been bogging me down for the beginning of this week. Somehow just can't get into second gear for my research project. This Neural Network stuff is really getting on my nerves.
However, i did get some rest on tuesday, taking a day off, for my SPR application. Really solid rest. Steady.
Got down working on a website, that shows and searches video clips. Interesting. I'm still working on it, probably will be up by next week i suppose, considering that i might not work on week ends.
Thanks to Jeff' for posting a comment. Really :) Actually i've read a few biographies, (angela's ashes, falling leaves, my life as mcdull.. haha..) so i was thinking hey, maybe i could write something too. That's how the 从前有个小孩series got started (hope to have more of them coming soon) but then feel that writing skill still not polished enough. Your comment doesn't polish up my writing skill, nor does it make the story more exciting/interesting; but you sure made me smile. Thanks again.
I've been thinking about this whole blog issue. I mean it's nice to have a place to write something, and when it's read by people, people can relate to. However, come to think of it, i got a picture in my mind, a picture of a teenager, shouting out "我有话要说!!". Sometimes it's too self centred. A little bit i guess.
Things that are enlightend aren't exactly that easy to express in words, aren't they? ;)
31st of August. Tahun ini adalah tahun ke-5 saya tidak merayakan hari kebangsaan negaraku di tanahnya. Walaupun hanya sejauh satu jambatan, namun, perasaan merdeka lebih nyata dalam hatiku buat sekarang. Mungkin perpisahan dengan tanah airku membuat aku lebih kuat menginati aku ini anak Malaysia.
Selamat Hari Kebangsaan.
(ampun maaf ya, setahu kawan-kawan sekalian, 'dah 5 tahun tidak bertutur dalam bahasa Malaysia. Dah tentulah penggunaan bahasa ku merosot.)