Monday, June 20, 2005

Aren't there too many things to worry about?

It's 10:50 pm now, Sunday night, probably the date shown on the last post was some western time zone. Anyways, felt that there are too many things to worry, too many responsibilities.
Although Jesus said, "do not worry about tomorrow", but anticipation of tomorrow's event is indeed real. If i know that i'll be getting a pay rise tomorrow, won't i be happy today? Well, i could be happy first, and then of course you might say that i might be disappointed if the pay rise doesn't happen later on. But, isn't it the same? it's plain and easy to see that i cannot do anything when i worry, and it quenches the liveliness within me, but how do i overcome it? I guess there are many verses to tell me that, just that it sometimes seems not that close to me.
Work, relationship, things to learn, things to settle, people to meet, standards to keep and improve on, if i were to worry, it's either a long list of many small things, or a short list of a few big important matters. May i find peace in the LORD.
Well, i guess probably the concept of success is still in us. We tend to think that things ought to happen this way and that way; we have a picture in mind, and if the current situation doesn't match up, we worry, why isn't things happen as it's supposed to be? i though my work should be ok, that i should be able to handle the programming stuff, and have a good show to my boss, but coming face to face with a few books, each 500 pages thick, i'm not that sure where to start, how to start, or should i even start from step one?
Simple life, it's good, but how about responsibilities? shouldn't i care for people? shouldn't i provide? i remember last time when i went to the graduation camp organised by the Christian Fellowship, i said, one of my life aim is to be a provider, a provider of needs. And here i am, still trying to sort out my stuff. I guess it's needed for all these, ain't it so?
May the LORD help and guide us, and may He be our light, our lamp, our Way.

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