Firstly, it's been a long long time since my last post, but today, there's an urge for me to write this down.
It's regarding the message at today's Service. As you might know, Christmas is near, and i keep on thinking of how many would "celebrate" Christmas, joyfully, in a warm manner (it's not hard that a picture of Joseph, Mary and Jesus in a manger. However...
I guess it helps to know how dirty, and smelly and stinking a manger is. May i draw a comparison to some public toilets? And really, what Child is this? The King of Kings, LORD of Lords, to "downgrade" Himself, this is Love.
The tv is booming right now beside me. I don't have a hot drink beside me, no nice, soft music, in fact, my hosuemate is playing Need For Speed Most Wanted at my side. So i'm not flowing with tears now, but in my heart, i least, yes, at least i know.
Thank You LORD. Amen.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
詩 篇 31:14-24 (Chinese Union Version (Traditional))
14 耶 和 華 啊 , 我 仍 舊 倚 靠 你 ; 我 說 : 你 是 我 的 神 。
15 我 終 身 的 事 在 你 手 中 ; 求 你 救 我 脫 離 仇 敵 的 手 和 那 些 逼 迫 我 的 人 。
16 求 你 使 你 的 臉 光 照 僕 人 , 憑 你 的 慈 愛 拯 救 我 。
17 耶 和 華 啊 , 求 你 叫 我 不 致 羞 愧 , 因 為 我 曾 呼 籲 你 ; 求 你 使 惡 人 羞 愧 , 使 他 們 在 陰 間 緘 默 無 聲 。
18 那 撒 謊 的 人 逞 驕 傲 輕 慢 , 出 狂 妄 的 話 攻 擊 義 人 ; 願 他 的 嘴 啞 而 無 言 。
19 敬 畏 你 、 投 靠 你 的 人 , 你 為 他 們 所 積 存 的 , 在 世 人 面 前 所 施 行 的 恩 惠 是 何 等 大 呢 !
20 你 必 把 他 們 藏 在 你 面 前 的 隱 密 處 , 免 得 遇 見 人 的 計 謀 ; 你 必 暗 暗 地 保 守 他 們 在 亭 子 裡 , 免 受 口 舌 的 爭 鬧 。
21 耶 和 華 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 , 因 為 他 在 堅 固 城 裡 向 我 施 展 奇 妙 的 慈 愛 。
22 至 於 我 , 我 曾 急 促 地 說 : 我 從 你 眼 前 被 隔 絕 。 然 而 , 我 呼 求 你 的 時 候 , 你 仍 聽 我 懇 求 的 聲 音 。
23 耶 和 華 的 聖 民 哪 , 你 們 都 要 愛 他 ! 耶 和 華 保 護 誠 實 人 , 足 足 報 應 行 事 驕 傲 的 人 。
24 凡 仰 望 耶 和 華 的 人 , 你 們 都 要 壯 膽 , 堅 固 你 們 的 心 !
他说— 我 仍 舊 倚 靠 你
他说— 我不喜欢苦难(求 你 救 我 脫 離 仇 敵 的 手 和 那 些 逼 迫 我 的 人)
他说— 我不喜欢让我苦的人(是这样吗?得看情况和程度把。求 你 使 惡 人 羞 愧 , 使 他 們 在 陰 間 緘 默 無 聲 。 )
他说— 我要把我的焦点、目光放在 神那里。(耶 和 華 是 應 當 稱 頌 的--23 耶 和 華 的 聖 民 哪 , 你 們 都 要 愛 他 ! 耶 和 華 保 護 誠 實 人 , 足 足 報 應 行 事 驕 傲 的 人 。。 然 而 , 我 呼 求 你 的 時 候 , 你 仍 聽 我 懇 求 的 聲 音 。 )
他说— 我们要加油,继续持守。(凡 仰 望 耶 和 華 的 人 , 你 們 都 要 壯 膽 , 堅 固 你 們 的 心)
讀經: 詩篇31篇14-24節
金句: 「耶和華啊,我仍舊倚靠你;我說:『你是我的上帝!』」(詩篇31篇14節)
全年讀經: 以斯拉記5-7章
14 耶 和 華 啊 , 我 仍 舊 倚 靠 你 ; 我 說 : 你 是 我 的 神 。
15 我 終 身 的 事 在 你 手 中 ; 求 你 救 我 脫 離 仇 敵 的 手 和 那 些 逼 迫 我 的 人 。
16 求 你 使 你 的 臉 光 照 僕 人 , 憑 你 的 慈 愛 拯 救 我 。
17 耶 和 華 啊 , 求 你 叫 我 不 致 羞 愧 , 因 為 我 曾 呼 籲 你 ; 求 你 使 惡 人 羞 愧 , 使 他 們 在 陰 間 緘 默 無 聲 。
18 那 撒 謊 的 人 逞 驕 傲 輕 慢 , 出 狂 妄 的 話 攻 擊 義 人 ; 願 他 的 嘴 啞 而 無 言 。
19 敬 畏 你 、 投 靠 你 的 人 , 你 為 他 們 所 積 存 的 , 在 世 人 面 前 所 施 行 的 恩 惠 是 何 等 大 呢 !
20 你 必 把 他 們 藏 在 你 面 前 的 隱 密 處 , 免 得 遇 見 人 的 計 謀 ; 你 必 暗 暗 地 保 守 他 們 在 亭 子 裡 , 免 受 口 舌 的 爭 鬧 。
21 耶 和 華 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 , 因 為 他 在 堅 固 城 裡 向 我 施 展 奇 妙 的 慈 愛 。
22 至 於 我 , 我 曾 急 促 地 說 : 我 從 你 眼 前 被 隔 絕 。 然 而 , 我 呼 求 你 的 時 候 , 你 仍 聽 我 懇 求 的 聲 音 。
23 耶 和 華 的 聖 民 哪 , 你 們 都 要 愛 他 ! 耶 和 華 保 護 誠 實 人 , 足 足 報 應 行 事 驕 傲 的 人 。
24 凡 仰 望 耶 和 華 的 人 , 你 們 都 要 壯 膽 , 堅 固 你 們 的 心 !
他说— 我 仍 舊 倚 靠 你
他说— 我不喜欢苦难(求 你 救 我 脫 離 仇 敵 的 手 和 那 些 逼 迫 我 的 人)
他说— 我不喜欢让我苦的人(是这样吗?得看情况和程度把。求 你 使 惡 人 羞 愧 , 使 他 們 在 陰 間 緘 默 無 聲 。 )
他说— 我要把我的焦点、目光放在 神那里。(耶 和 華 是 應 當 稱 頌 的--23 耶 和 華 的 聖 民 哪 , 你 們 都 要 愛 他 ! 耶 和 華 保 護 誠 實 人 , 足 足 報 應 行 事 驕 傲 的 人 。。 然 而 , 我 呼 求 你 的 時 候 , 你 仍 聽 我 懇 求 的 聲 音 。 )
他说— 我们要加油,继续持守。(凡 仰 望 耶 和 華 的 人 , 你 們 都 要 壯 膽 , 堅 固 你 們 的 心)
讀經: 詩篇31篇14-24節
金句: 「耶和華啊,我仍舊倚靠你;我說:『你是我的上帝!』」(詩篇31篇14節)
全年讀經: 以斯拉記5-7章
Friday, October 07, 2005
讀經: 馬太福音19章1-8節
金句: 「那人說︰『這是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉。』」(創世記2章23節)
全年讀經: 撒迦利亞書7-10章
當霍華德.薩俊(Howard Sugden)牧師為我們夫妻主持婚禮時,他強調我們倆正參與一項神蹟。我們相信牧師的說法,但並不瞭解這項奇蹟的工程竟是如此浩大;不僅使兩人在一起,更使兩人合而為一。
有人不願與配偶離婚,但上帝的作法更為美好︰祂要兩人合而為一。上帝要人的婚姻就像祂起初創造亞當和夏娃一樣(創世記2章21-24節)。 因此,當法利賽人試探耶穌,問︰「人無論什麼緣故都可以休妻嗎」(馬太福音19章3節)?耶穌回答︰「人要……與妻子連合,二人成為一體」(5節)。
當你們在婚姻中順服主,當婚姻中有著上帝的愛;有情的人就能終成眷屬,沒有什麼能把你們分開。D. De Haan
A happy marriage is a union of two good forgivers.
至于我呢,今天实在是有点儿没心情再写了。思路上有着writer’s block。 感觉上今天我只是在凑凑的写一些东西。好吧,就暂时到这里吧。
讀經: 馬太福音19章1-8節
金句: 「那人說︰『這是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉。』」(創世記2章23節)
全年讀經: 撒迦利亞書7-10章
當霍華德.薩俊(Howard Sugden)牧師為我們夫妻主持婚禮時,他強調我們倆正參與一項神蹟。我們相信牧師的說法,但並不瞭解這項奇蹟的工程竟是如此浩大;不僅使兩人在一起,更使兩人合而為一。
有人不願與配偶離婚,但上帝的作法更為美好︰祂要兩人合而為一。上帝要人的婚姻就像祂起初創造亞當和夏娃一樣(創世記2章21-24節)。 因此,當法利賽人試探耶穌,問︰「人無論什麼緣故都可以休妻嗎」(馬太福音19章3節)?耶穌回答︰「人要……與妻子連合,二人成為一體」(5節)。
當你們在婚姻中順服主,當婚姻中有著上帝的愛;有情的人就能終成眷屬,沒有什麼能把你們分開。D. De Haan
A happy marriage is a union of two good forgivers.
至于我呢,今天实在是有点儿没心情再写了。思路上有着writer’s block。 感觉上今天我只是在凑凑的写一些东西。好吧,就暂时到这里吧。
Thursday, October 06, 2005
今日读了灵命日粮,就把它给摘在下面 (I don’t mind copy 在这里,反正空间是免费的)
讀經: 哥林多前書12章4-11節
金句: 「恩賜原有分別,聖靈卻是一位;職事也有分別,主卻是一位。」(哥林多前書12章4-5節)
全年讀經: 撒迦利亞書3-6章
在一次前往新世界的航行探險中,哥倫布發現一種特別的樹。它的果實如球一般有彈性。這種樹的印度名稱為caoutchouc,意思是「哭泣的樹」,因為它 分泌的樹汁晶瑩如淚珠。後來,有人發現若將這種樹汁收集起來並使之硬化後,可以製成擦鉛筆的橡皮,於是把這種樹稱為「橡樹」。
歌 林 多 前 書 12:4-11 (Chinese Union Version (Traditional))
4 恩 賜 原 有 分 別 , 聖 靈 卻 是 一 位 。
5 職 事 也 有 分 別 , 主 卻 是 一 位 。
6 功 用 也 有 分 別 , 神 卻 是 一 位 , 在 眾 人 裡 面 運 行 一 切 的 事 。
其实单从字面上就不明白为什么会说:有分别—是一位, 这个对照。后来翻了英文的解释,从Amplified version 中有这么写道—
4Now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments (gifts, [a]extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians, due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit) and they vary, but the [Holy] Spirit remains the same.5And there are distinctive varieties of service and ministration, but it is the same Lord [Who is served].6And there are distinctive varieties of operation [of working to accomplish things], but it is the same God Who inspires and energizes them all in all.
7 聖 靈 顯 在 各 人 身 上 , 是 叫 人 得 益 處 。
8 這 人 蒙 聖 靈 賜 他 智 慧 的 言 語 , 那 人 也 蒙 這 位 聖 靈 賜 他 知 識 的 言 語 ,
9 又 有 一 人 蒙 這 位 聖 靈 賜 他 信 心 , 還 有 一 人 蒙 這 位 聖 靈 賜 他 醫 病 的 恩 賜 ,
10 又 叫 一 人 能 行 異 能 , 又 叫 一 人 能 作 先 知 , 又 叫 一 人 能 辨 別 諸 靈 , 又 叫 一 人 能 說 方 言 , 又 叫 一 人 能 繙 方 言 。
11 這 一 切 都 是 這 位 聖 靈 所 運 行 、 隨 己 意 分 給 各 人 的 。
这段经文中,由我看来可说是在告诉我们说样样恩赐都是好的,都是从上帝而来的。(设想如果Agung 或 MM Lee 送你一份礼物,大部分人应该不管礼物是什么,都会很开心,感到很荣幸吧)。
可是,我们近期内所听到的确是说“神会使用你做很伟大的事情”“神要大大的使用我们—be the head and not the tail”等等的说法。是的,我觉得神会使用我们做很伟大的事情,不过,也许在世上,或在天上,是这事件本身显得伟大,而不会是我们显得伟大。我们应该为神的事工努力,忠心。也许我们不会成为世界级有名的基督教歌手(Hill Songs 或 赞美之泉) ,不过,这大使命本身,已经是世界级的任务,使命。绝对绝对伟大。
今日读了灵命日粮,就把它给摘在下面 (I don’t mind copy 在这里,反正空间是免费的)
讀經: 哥林多前書12章4-11節
金句: 「恩賜原有分別,聖靈卻是一位;職事也有分別,主卻是一位。」(哥林多前書12章4-5節)
全年讀經: 撒迦利亞書3-6章
在一次前往新世界的航行探險中,哥倫布發現一種特別的樹。它的果實如球一般有彈性。這種樹的印度名稱為caoutchouc,意思是「哭泣的樹」,因為它 分泌的樹汁晶瑩如淚珠。後來,有人發現若將這種樹汁收集起來並使之硬化後,可以製成擦鉛筆的橡皮,於是把這種樹稱為「橡樹」。
歌 林 多 前 書 12:4-11 (Chinese Union Version (Traditional))
4 恩 賜 原 有 分 別 , 聖 靈 卻 是 一 位 。
5 職 事 也 有 分 別 , 主 卻 是 一 位 。
6 功 用 也 有 分 別 , 神 卻 是 一 位 , 在 眾 人 裡 面 運 行 一 切 的 事 。
其实单从字面上就不明白为什么会说:有分别—是一位, 这个对照。后来翻了英文的解释,从Amplified version 中有这么写道—
4Now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments (gifts, [a]extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians, due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit) and they vary, but the [Holy] Spirit remains the same.5And there are distinctive varieties of service and ministration, but it is the same Lord [Who is served].6And there are distinctive varieties of operation [of working to accomplish things], but it is the same God Who inspires and energizes them all in all.
7 聖 靈 顯 在 各 人 身 上 , 是 叫 人 得 益 處 。
8 這 人 蒙 聖 靈 賜 他 智 慧 的 言 語 , 那 人 也 蒙 這 位 聖 靈 賜 他 知 識 的 言 語 ,
9 又 有 一 人 蒙 這 位 聖 靈 賜 他 信 心 , 還 有 一 人 蒙 這 位 聖 靈 賜 他 醫 病 的 恩 賜 ,
10 又 叫 一 人 能 行 異 能 , 又 叫 一 人 能 作 先 知 , 又 叫 一 人 能 辨 別 諸 靈 , 又 叫 一 人 能 說 方 言 , 又 叫 一 人 能 繙 方 言 。
11 這 一 切 都 是 這 位 聖 靈 所 運 行 、 隨 己 意 分 給 各 人 的 。
这段经文中,由我看来可说是在告诉我们说样样恩赐都是好的,都是从上帝而来的。(设想如果Agung 或 MM Lee 送你一份礼物,大部分人应该不管礼物是什么,都会很开心,感到很荣幸吧)。
可是,我们近期内所听到的确是说“神会使用你做很伟大的事情”“神要大大的使用我们—be the head and not the tail”等等的说法。是的,我觉得神会使用我们做很伟大的事情,不过,也许在世上,或在天上,是这事件本身显得伟大,而不会是我们显得伟大。我们应该为神的事工努力,忠心。也许我们不会成为世界级有名的基督教歌手(Hill Songs 或 赞美之泉) ,不过,这大使命本身,已经是世界级的任务,使命。绝对绝对伟大。
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Hi, a short post here, just to thank Yew Hock for sending comments on this blog. Thanks. It has been an encouragement.
I'm not sure about the direction of this blog, currently it seems to be a bit chapalang to me, sometimes there is this 神箭兄弟,previously there was this 从前有个小孩, and at all times there are a few posts when i want to express my thoughts and feelings.
Do i blog with direction? let's just make this blog a story blog? or a capalang blog will be just fine? Anyway, just some thoughts.
Thanks again to Yew Hock =)
I'm not sure about the direction of this blog, currently it seems to be a bit chapalang to me, sometimes there is this 神箭兄弟,previously there was this 从前有个小孩, and at all times there are a few posts when i want to express my thoughts and feelings.
Do i blog with direction? let's just make this blog a story blog? or a capalang blog will be just fine? Anyway, just some thoughts.
Thanks again to Yew Hock =)
神箭兄弟 -- 4
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Wilson's bar...the grey room
Ever had the feeling of being in-between? Grey people do. I guess i do too. But who are these Greyesians?
Greyesians are people who has been in BlackLand for too long a time, yet, realised that in their heart that they are from the White Kingdom, and longing to go there too.
To be sure, BlackLand is a place where people comes first. There are just so much benefits, tax cuts, high pay, cheap entertainment, the good life. The place where there are really money coming down from the sky. More and more people are migrating over to BlackLand, and with their everystrong population and increasing birthrate, BlackLand has become the world's standard for living the good life.
In contrast (a sharp one at that), the White Kingdom tells its citizens that they must work hard, and earn their living. No get-rich-quick scemes here, no liberty at times even, although the Governor stress that a life of dependance on the Government, perserverence, hardwork would eventually reward everyone, and eventually a ticket and passport to the Golden Highlands, where there are really streets of gold.
There are many who couldn't stand the way of life at the White Kingdom, and eventually would want to either migrate to BlackLand or to go there for a long vacation. On their journey over (or even the opposite, where people from BlackLand gives up their citizenship and migrates over to the White Kingdom), they have to stop at the grey room. Some stayed only for a short while, others longer.
Both worlds mix at the grey room, you can get a glimpse of both kingdoms. Some would remember and long for the days when they were at the BlackLand; while some would,driven by strong idealogy, be on their feet, ready to go over to the White Kindom. Most of the people, on the other hand, just couldn't make up their mind. Everything was so great at BlackLand, so nice, but somehow it seems that the people at the White Kingdom live lives fuller, happier, contented...
Welcome to the grey room. Which way are you heading?
Thursday, September 29, 2005
help needed
if anyone reading this post is finding for a place to stay/rent in the area of Chinese Garden, please contact me, i've got a friend who is leaving singapore and wanted to rent out his place.
if anyone reading this post is finding for a place to stay/rent in the area of Chinese Garden, please contact me, i've got a friend who is leaving singapore and wanted to rent out his place.
神箭兄弟 --3
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
xxx –续
xxx –续
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
xxx --续
xxx --续
Thursday, September 08, 2005
days of ASP.NET

I've been working on this ASP.NET web page for over the past week or so. It's a page that lets you search and view a collection of videos, based on channel, scenes and language. Being a rookie programmer, i guess it takes me extra time to do what is at hand.
Currently my schedule is something like 8am-10pm...i really need to get it done, and hope that it doesn't bother me anymore. Last night when i lie down on my bed, my mind was full of Labels, Images, Buttons, functions etc etc... took me a short while before i get to doze off.
Anyway, i hope to finish the functions by today, and clean up a bit tomorrow? and hopefully porting over to the server won't be such a big problem. Here's the template of the page, nothing much upfront, but this was 2 weeks ago.
Friday, September 02, 2005
friday afternoon
It's been a week of excitement, it's been a week of boredome. It's been a week of enlightment, it's been a week of questioning. Anyhow, weekend's here. Just a short memo for this week so far.
work has been bogging me down for the beginning of this week. Somehow just can't get into second gear for my research project. This Neural Network stuff is really getting on my nerves.
However, i did get some rest on tuesday, taking a day off, for my SPR application. Really solid rest. Steady.
Got down working on a website, that shows and searches video clips. Interesting. I'm still working on it, probably will be up by next week i suppose, considering that i might not work on week ends.
Thanks to Jeff' for posting a comment. Really :) Actually i've read a few biographies, (angela's ashes, falling leaves, my life as mcdull.. haha..) so i was thinking hey, maybe i could write something too. That's how the 从前有个小孩series got started (hope to have more of them coming soon) but then feel that writing skill still not polished enough. Your comment doesn't polish up my writing skill, nor does it make the story more exciting/interesting; but you sure made me smile. Thanks again.
I've been thinking about this whole blog issue. I mean it's nice to have a place to write something, and when it's read by people, people can relate to. However, come to think of it, i got a picture in my mind, a picture of a teenager, shouting out "我有话要说!!". Sometimes it's too self centred. A little bit i guess.
Things that are enlightend aren't exactly that easy to express in words, aren't they? ;)
31st of August. Tahun ini adalah tahun ke-5 saya tidak merayakan hari kebangsaan negaraku di tanahnya. Walaupun hanya sejauh satu jambatan, namun, perasaan merdeka lebih nyata dalam hatiku buat sekarang. Mungkin perpisahan dengan tanah airku membuat aku lebih kuat menginati aku ini anak Malaysia.
Selamat Hari Kebangsaan.
(ampun maaf ya, setahu kawan-kawan sekalian, 'dah 5 tahun tidak bertutur dalam bahasa Malaysia. Dah tentulah penggunaan bahasa ku merosot.)
Monday, August 29, 2005
记得小时候时常跟着外婆到万山(福建话为ban3 san1,即巴杀、菜市场)去,然后呢,我就会要我的婆婆在报摊那里给我买小叮当。(那时候的孩子真好,都知道小叮当,现在也不知道日本为什么强制性把它改称多拉a梦)记得那时候小朋友们只看两种漫画:小叮当,老夫子。而且,小本的只卖一块钱。
记得小时候时常跟着外婆到万山(福建话为ban3 san1,即巴杀、菜市场)去,然后呢,我就会要我的婆婆在报摊那里给我买小叮当。(那时候的孩子真好,都知道小叮当,现在也不知道日本为什么强制性把它改称多拉a梦)记得那时候小朋友们只看两种漫画:小叮当,老夫子。而且,小本的只卖一块钱。
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
is anyone looking?
Call me an attention seeker, but, i'm wondering, is anyone looking?
Anyways, if you have come across this post, or even this page, drop me an sms, will you?
Anyways, if you have come across this post, or even this page, drop me an sms, will you?
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
从前有个小孩,他说“我以后长大了,要当医生。要帮那些可怜的病人医病。” 那坐在他隔壁的小同学就抢着说“我呢,以后长大了,要当警察。要把所有的坏人抓起来。” 接着,有着许许多多的小朋友们,各自说了自己的志愿:老师,工程师,护士,消防员等等。
到了最后一个小朋友时“老师,我以后要在街边买汉堡包。因为这样,我就可以有好多好多的汉堡包吃了。” 。。。
这个小朋友今年二十三岁了。汉堡包的梦想呢?应该算是放弃了吧。 大家好, 我是徐世明。。。
到了最后一个小朋友时“老师,我以后要在街边买汉堡包。因为这样,我就可以有好多好多的汉堡包吃了。” 。。。
这个小朋友今年二十三岁了。汉堡包的梦想呢?应该算是放弃了吧。 大家好, 我是徐世明。。。
Sunday, August 21, 2005
「似乎憂愁,卻是常常快樂的。」(聖經哥林多後書六章 10 節)
(this text is in traditional chinese, it's a devotional that i read yesterday. have a read, really.)
憂愁徐徐轉過身去說道:「我的道路在黑暗的森林中的。但是世上最甜蜜的詩歌 ── 深夜的情歌 ── 卻是屬於我的。再會,快樂,再會吧。」
憂愁輕聲說道:「我看祂一定是快樂的王,因為祂頭上戴著許多冠冕,手上和腳上帶著勝利的釘痕。我在祂面前,一切憂愁都化為不熄的愛和歡樂了, 我願意把我自己奉獻給祂。」
她倆手牽著手同在世上跟隨祂走 ── 有時在風雨中,有時在陽光中,有時在冬日的凜冽中,有時在夏日的溫暖中 ── 「似乎憂愁,卻是常常快樂的。」 ── 選
憂愁徐徐轉過身去說道:「我的道路在黑暗的森林中的。但是世上最甜蜜的詩歌 ── 深夜的情歌 ── 卻是屬於我的。再會,快樂,再會吧。」
憂愁輕聲說道:「我看祂一定是快樂的王,因為祂頭上戴著許多冠冕,手上和腳上帶著勝利的釘痕。我在祂面前,一切憂愁都化為不熄的愛和歡樂了, 我願意把我自己奉獻給祂。」
她倆手牽著手同在世上跟隨祂走 ── 有時在風雨中,有時在陽光中,有時在冬日的凜冽中,有時在夏日的溫暖中 ── 「似乎憂愁,卻是常常快樂的。」 ── 選
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Things i wanted to write...
Been wanting to post something up, in fact, a few things actually. I'll just make a note here.
1. People at the Sniah Boey market: as the saying goes, at the Sniah Boey market (an old market, partially demolished now i guess, at penang), you can find all sorts of people. "Sniah Boey ban san hamic lang pun oo". These few years have been years of observations too, for me, and there are many many types of people whom i've met, and i do think i've lots to learn from them. Not necessary legends, but they do have gold in them.
2. What about the poor? : a recent Bible Study/ Sunday School teacher (lessons still ongoing), Mr Daniel Soh, repeated the message : remember the needy and the poor. I've also been struggling with this issue, what could we do? what should we do? what is our stand? maybe by writing my thoughts out, would i then be able to iron them.
3. People like me: who am i? what am i like? i guess there's a fair number of people whom i can relate to, and who can relate to me too. People who fail, people who cling to faith, people who doubt, people who cared for others only in their hearts, but not by action, people who succumb to temptations, people who wanted to be a better person.... simply, people.
I hope i can write these down here. (sometimes i dreamed of being an author; but i dream almost every other night).
1. People at the Sniah Boey market: as the saying goes, at the Sniah Boey market (an old market, partially demolished now i guess, at penang), you can find all sorts of people. "Sniah Boey ban san hamic lang pun oo". These few years have been years of observations too, for me, and there are many many types of people whom i've met, and i do think i've lots to learn from them. Not necessary legends, but they do have gold in them.
2. What about the poor? : a recent Bible Study/ Sunday School teacher (lessons still ongoing), Mr Daniel Soh, repeated the message : remember the needy and the poor. I've also been struggling with this issue, what could we do? what should we do? what is our stand? maybe by writing my thoughts out, would i then be able to iron them.
3. People like me: who am i? what am i like? i guess there's a fair number of people whom i can relate to, and who can relate to me too. People who fail, people who cling to faith, people who doubt, people who cared for others only in their hearts, but not by action, people who succumb to temptations, people who wanted to be a better person.... simply, people.
I hope i can write these down here. (sometimes i dreamed of being an author; but i dream almost every other night).
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I read sad stories...
I'm not sure when i started to become a reader of sad stories (i tried using the phrase "lover of sad stories", but felt it sounded a bit masochistic). Probably it started when my brother brought back a copy of the book "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker. Here's a bit about the story from wiki:
The Color Purple is an epistolary novel: that is, the book is written in the form of letters. The central character is Celie, a young woman who is sexually abused by her father (who, she later discovers, is her stepfather) and is forced to marry a widower with several children, who is physically abusive towards her.
When her husband's mistress, singer "Shug" Avery, comes on the scene. Initially, Celie feels threatened by this effervescent, liberated version of feminity - a form that has previously been alien to her.
Like "Mr-", Celie's husband, Shug has little respect for Celie and the life she lives at first and continues in her lover's footsteps, abusing Celie and adding to her humiliation.
In time, however, the two women bond, and Celie gradually learns what it means to become an empowered woman in her own right, through both sexual and financial emancipation and she finds the strength to leave her tyrannical husband.
When her husband's mistress, singer "Shug" Avery, comes on the scene. Initially, Celie feels threatened by this effervescent, liberated version of feminity - a form that has previously been alien to her.
Like "Mr-", Celie's husband, Shug has little respect for Celie and the life she lives at first and continues in her lover's footsteps, abusing Celie and adding to her humiliation.
In time, however, the two women bond, and Celie gradually learns what it means to become an empowered woman in her own right, through both sexual and financial emancipation and she finds the strength to leave her tyrannical husband.
This happens to be my first "introduction" to sad stories, more follows suit, such as "Angela's Ashes", "'Tis", "Falling Leaves", "青青河边草","Disappointment With God"....
Not a very large collection, but i guess it's good; a good way for me to connect to people from another side of the world, people from the other end of the weighing scale, those stricken, trodden, and cast out. It doesn't need to have a happy ending, nope, not all stories (fiction or non fiction) have happy endings.
Do they teach me to be more thankful? Probably.
But i guess it's more of a sad feeling, that keep me clinging to the books at time.
Ok, more or less for this post, write to me? I'll see what i can remember of the rest of the books, and maybe post them up later on.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Wilson's Bar: Back in business
I remembered the days when i used to listen to alot of jazz music. Just loved the feeling of chillin' out, coolin' down. The ambience, the darkness, the smoothness...
Well, that's part of the reason why i named my msn name to be Wilson's Bar. But it has closed down since the day i came to CeMNet. i'm forced (sort of) to change my nick name back to my real name, i have to face the light again.
There are many many things running thru my mind these few weeks since my last post. My mind is swirling, i'm shaken, but not stirred i hope.
Anyways, it's a good feelin' to be back online, writing something again.
Well, that's part of the reason why i named my msn name to be Wilson's Bar. But it has closed down since the day i came to CeMNet. i'm forced (sort of) to change my nick name back to my real name, i have to face the light again.
There are many many things running thru my mind these few weeks since my last post. My mind is swirling, i'm shaken, but not stirred i hope.
Anyways, it's a good feelin' to be back online, writing something again.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
of books, paper and wood
Been doing some reading lately, in fact, most of my days are spent reading. Whether i understand them or not is another matter althogether.
The stuff that i'm reading currently? I'll try to list some down, and what i've learned from them
The stuff that i'm reading currently? I'll try to list some down, and what i've learned from them
- Papers, Presentations, Lecture Slides on "relevance feedback and multimedia" : This is supposed to be my masters area of research. The whole idea behind this is that when you search for something online (via google or some other search engines, using text, images or otherwise), there are bound to be search results that are not relavent to you. So what relevance feedback does is actually to provide the user with a way to "rate" the results as either "relevant", "irrelevant" or "neutral" and thus providing the search engine with more idea on what the user wants.
on a whole it seems quite ok, my own interest level? i'll rate it as 6 out of 10. Papers wise? can't really understand much, and more time needed i guess, to come up with something new. - Papers, Presentations, Lecture Slides on "Semantic Web and multimedia" : i'm supposed to be in a meeting for this research group. and i don't know a thing about it. So i started to read about it yesterday, and boy, how sleepy it was (i still am), too abstract, too deep, too conceptual. The meeting's at 3pm today, so i better get some coffee before i go in.
- The Bible : been trying to make it a habit to read the Scriptures every morning. I guess i'm trying it out in chronological order. Currently with the Israelites in exile to Babylon. These past few days (or weeks) of reading has been about God punishing and punishing the Israelites for all their wrongdoings. Why? Why do we need to be beeten? to be cast out from our place? why?
Isort of come to realise that sometimes, it takes God to strip us from all our abilities, strength, power, to enable us to return back to Him. Sometimes the phrase 人的尽头,神的开始 is very true indeed.
How many times have we been wrestling with God? How many times have we been taking charge of all our live? I don't even need to count, it's almost "everytime", except... except those times when we are sick, stressed out, troubled, fearfull.
Only when the boat rocks, do we cling to it more and more. - Purpose Driven Life: a popular book no doubt, which made me think twice before reading it (the cynic within me says that no good thing is so good). To be honest i really wanted a change, and when something promises a change, i do want to try.
The book isn't perfect, but it does contain much spiritual insights. We should be thoughtful and careful when reading it. I remembered a few things...
"The problem with a living sacrifice is that it can climb down the altar"
The five purposes are worship, fellowship, to become more Christlike, service and mission.
at least, the book tries to be God centred, instead of me-centred.. - It's not about Me : a devotional book by Max Lucado, urging us to be more God centric and less me centric. The way to do it is to ponder on Him more and more.
i guess we need a dose of this book. It's just too much about me, me, me. I'm sick of it too. thinking of this problem from the perspective of my Christian Fellowship. There are a few camps of people:
1. people who put studies first (we should i guess). However, the problem lies where by what do we do with out studies? Do we glorify God with out studies? When can we glorify God with our studies? I guess sometimes it's more of a self standard that we have set--"i cannot get lower then a B", "i'm the top student of the class and must stay that way".
Ask them about how to glorify God with their studies? i'm not sure about their answers.
2. people who enjoys the CF. This is good i guess, but it happens to be another end of the extreme. Some people love the CF, it's just so much fun to them, Birthday parties, Sister's day, Brother's day, football sessions... i can feel the love. But what happend to the Word of God?
May God help us. to grow each day, day by day, thru Jesus, our hope, our saviour and our way. - Knowing God: a book by J.I. Packer. Whoa... this one is a deep, hard book to read. Still at the front few pages, need some time before i have something to write about it.
- Straits Time, CNN, Zaobao, Soccernet: not to forget to keep up with some news. although sometimes all i read is the comics and entertainment section (tsk tsk...)
More or less, i guess. Read anything nice lately? tell me, share with me.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Frustration -> headache
Frustration leads to headaches... that's what i' m feeling currently. This funny VS.NET just stops functioning, and i can't get things to work.
I sort of check and re-checked, tried and re-tried a few times, but to no avail. sigh...
Hope things will be better soon, as i need to get the website done by today, 545 pm...and the time now is 5pm already.
I sort of check and re-checked, tried and re-tried a few times, but to no avail. sigh...
Hope things will be better soon, as i need to get the website done by today, 545 pm...and the time now is 5pm already.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3
Saw this verse on one of my friend's MSN messenger nickname. Well, i remember my Church Pastor talked a bit about this verse before, and it kept me thinking.
Dear friends, what will you think when you look at this verse? I'll give you a few examples, hey, i better follow the LORD, this has to be the way for my plans to succeed; hey, i think i have to commit to the LORD, doesn't the Bible says that those who commit will succeed?
I guess not all of us think in such a manner. However, i'm just trying to bring out a point here: You don't commit to the LORD because you want your plans to succeed, you commit because you have to, because you call Him your LORD. I guess the order of things in which people think might be a bit different. Anyway, it's a bit dangerous, possible point for the health and wealth ministry.
It's now 1:27pm and i'm in office now, doing nothing much, but have to really buckle up on that ASP.NET thing, the boss have not really given me any datelines yet, but i guess once he starts giving me, i won't be able to finish, if my programming skills are still at this level.
So i guess--That's All Folks!~!
Saw this verse on one of my friend's MSN messenger nickname. Well, i remember my Church Pastor talked a bit about this verse before, and it kept me thinking.
Dear friends, what will you think when you look at this verse? I'll give you a few examples, hey, i better follow the LORD, this has to be the way for my plans to succeed; hey, i think i have to commit to the LORD, doesn't the Bible says that those who commit will succeed?
I guess not all of us think in such a manner. However, i'm just trying to bring out a point here: You don't commit to the LORD because you want your plans to succeed, you commit because you have to, because you call Him your LORD. I guess the order of things in which people think might be a bit different. Anyway, it's a bit dangerous, possible point for the health and wealth ministry.
It's now 1:27pm and i'm in office now, doing nothing much, but have to really buckle up on that ASP.NET thing, the boss have not really given me any datelines yet, but i guess once he starts giving me, i won't be able to finish, if my programming skills are still at this level.
So i guess--That's All Folks!~!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The sicko strikes
It's 9:17 am, tuesday, had lots of sleep yesterday, partly because i'm sick, and partly because i took some pills that made me drowsy.
Anyway, it ain't the sickness that's bothering me, it's the "nothing-to-show-boss" that's bothering me. As i've been quite unproductive these few days, so, a bit scared that my "points" has dropped. It's the performance issue, i guess i'm a bit obsessed at getting the boss to like me. but anyhow, this, dhtml, javascript has been getting on my nerves, and i need help, real solid help.
I guess i need peace too, and that's more important. Maybe the LORD guide me thru this period, and may i also, give my best for him, to him.
Anyway, it ain't the sickness that's bothering me, it's the "nothing-to-show-boss" that's bothering me. As i've been quite unproductive these few days, so, a bit scared that my "points" has dropped. It's the performance issue, i guess i'm a bit obsessed at getting the boss to like me. but anyhow, this, dhtml, javascript has been getting on my nerves, and i need help, real solid help.
I guess i need peace too, and that's more important. Maybe the LORD guide me thru this period, and may i also, give my best for him, to him.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Aren't there too many things to worry about?
It's 10:50 pm now, Sunday night, probably the date shown on the last post was some western time zone. Anyways, felt that there are too many things to worry, too many responsibilities.
Although Jesus said, "do not worry about tomorrow", but anticipation of tomorrow's event is indeed real. If i know that i'll be getting a pay rise tomorrow, won't i be happy today? Well, i could be happy first, and then of course you might say that i might be disappointed if the pay rise doesn't happen later on. But, isn't it the same? it's plain and easy to see that i cannot do anything when i worry, and it quenches the liveliness within me, but how do i overcome it? I guess there are many verses to tell me that, just that it sometimes seems not that close to me.
Work, relationship, things to learn, things to settle, people to meet, standards to keep and improve on, if i were to worry, it's either a long list of many small things, or a short list of a few big important matters. May i find peace in the LORD.
Well, i guess probably the concept of success is still in us. We tend to think that things ought to happen this way and that way; we have a picture in mind, and if the current situation doesn't match up, we worry, why isn't things happen as it's supposed to be? i though my work should be ok, that i should be able to handle the programming stuff, and have a good show to my boss, but coming face to face with a few books, each 500 pages thick, i'm not that sure where to start, how to start, or should i even start from step one?
Simple life, it's good, but how about responsibilities? shouldn't i care for people? shouldn't i provide? i remember last time when i went to the graduation camp organised by the Christian Fellowship, i said, one of my life aim is to be a provider, a provider of needs. And here i am, still trying to sort out my stuff. I guess it's needed for all these, ain't it so?
May the LORD help and guide us, and may He be our light, our lamp, our Way.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Friday, oh friday
It's a normal working afternoon, i'm now at the lab trying to get my first blog out. Well, at least for al l the hype and attention it's getting, i might as well try it out.
I came here primarily after reading up on the forum set up by Elder Yong, it's at and there was a really really lengthy discussion on is Jesus real? started by a non-believer. Well, arguments after arguments, views after views and points after points, finally she left the forum. I'm not sure about her condition currently, but i guess a brother is taking care of it, and his name is Hedonese (which i don't know what it means either).
So, hopefully this will be a place where by i can continue to posts my thoughts on things, reflections, questions and others. I've named it Wilson's Bar, not because i'm Wilson, just because i like the name. Sounds comfy, cozy with a nice ambience.
please do email me if you have anything to chat or talk with me. My email is
I came here primarily after reading up on the forum set up by Elder Yong, it's at and there was a really really lengthy discussion on is Jesus real? started by a non-believer. Well, arguments after arguments, views after views and points after points, finally she left the forum. I'm not sure about her condition currently, but i guess a brother is taking care of it, and his name is Hedonese (which i don't know what it means either).
So, hopefully this will be a place where by i can continue to posts my thoughts on things, reflections, questions and others. I've named it Wilson's Bar, not because i'm Wilson, just because i like the name. Sounds comfy, cozy with a nice ambience.
please do email me if you have anything to chat or talk with me. My email is
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